1995-2000 : Era of DBK and Advance Licence. Served 60-70% of Industry for Duty DBK and Advance Licence and DEPB. Instrumental in getting the notification For DEPB cum DBK from the Ministry Of Finance.
2000-2005 : Introduction of EDI system in customs. Setting the system of our clients to get used to the EDI SYSTEM. One of the pioneers in custom clearance and online DBK.
2005-2010 : RMS Circular No. 43/2005 and ACP Circular No. 42/2005 Was Introduced On 24.11.2005
ARSHIYA FTWZ was launched in 2010 and we were the first consultant helping and clearing for setting up of ARSHIYA FTWZ. Continued with the tradition of updating our clients and helping them to get used to the new systems.
2010-2015 : Self-assessment was introduced in Indian customs import vide the finance bill 2011
Gave presentations for many traders, manufacturers to make them understand the change.
AEO was introduced vide circular no 28/2012 date 16.11.2012, we are proud that we have been successfully registering our clients for AEO T-1, T-2 and AEO-LO.
2015-2020 : Helping government to achieve their target in ease of doing business and make in India, trade facilitation.